Missionary Application Form

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Marital Status:

List children living at Home:

Are you delinquent, or in arrears, on any of your bills:



Degree earned:

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Are you presently a member of an independent Baptist Church?
Have you ever been a member of a church that was not a Baptist Church?


Do you consistently witness to the lost?
Do you have daily family devotion?
Do you have family altar?
Do you tithe to your local Church?
Do you participate in faith promise missions giving, as the Lord leads?
Do you play any musical instruments?
Do you sing?
Do you have other talents that you use for the Lord?

On a separate sheet of paper, and in you own words; write a brief summary of your position on each of the articles of faith found in the handbook. On a separate sheet of paper, briefly describe your call to missions.

Do you have the Lord’s leadership for the specific field you are called to?
Should the door to this field close for any reason, will you seek the Lord’s direction to another field?
Have you discussed your call to missions with your pastor?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Have you ever applied to serve with another mission agency?
Is your church willing to commission you to do missionary work with PBMI, Inc., and sign the certificate of commissioning which states: “By doing so, we designate and set apart our fellow-worker to minister in this capacity in full accordance with the purposes, precepts, policies, and practices of PBMI, recognizing our own responsibility to council with them should they cease to hold and practice these beliefs. We will not sin against them by ceasing to pray for them.”?
As an applicant with PBMI, do you understand that you must trust the Lord for all your financial needs, equipment, passage, and support? Are you in full accord with this faith principle?
Do you understand that effective service on the mission field involves the complete putting aside of personal ambitions, and, that it requires a life that is absolutely yielded to God and to His will; that it may mean danger, suffering, sorrow, sickness, loneliness and exposure to intense testing; and that it demands the ability to cooperate sympathetically with others; and, above all, that it is based on a genuine love for the Savior, and for the souls of those who are lost?


Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Please provide the names and addresses of at least six references:

While serving through PBMI, Inc., I agree NOT to approve of, cooperate with, or support any activity sponsored by known liberal theologians, neo-orthodoxy, neo-evangelicals, tongues movements, the world council of churches or ecumenicalists. I accept the Purposes, Precepts, Policies, and Practices. Should the time come that I no longer agree with these, I agree to notify the mission, immediately. I pledge my personal loyalty to the Mission.


I have read, and agree with, the entire Handbook.
Clear Signature


Candidate has been examined and approved / disapproved.